Offering an Inclusive Service

We are committed to providing an inclusive service to support all customers. Find out more about ways we can help you.

Our Commitment to You

We offer an inclusive service to all our customers. Find out more about the way we help those with specific needs or in vulnerable situations.

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Inclusive Service Brochure

Download out booklet and find out more about how we meet the needs of consumers.

We have developed our approach to inclusive customer service in a way that is designed to identify consumers with specific needs or in vulnerable situations and, in turn, ensure we suitably shape our service delivery in a way that is most relevant to meet their needs.

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Phoenix Energy’s Vulnerability Champions

Our commitment to providing an inclusive service is demonstrated through our Vulnerability Champions. They are dotted across our business and their role is to ensure we are providing the best service possible, particularly to customers who may have additional needs.

Watch this helpful explainer video below:

Quick Check 101

At Phoenix Energy, we are part of the Quick Check 101 scheme. Quick Check 101 is an initiative run by the Police Service of Northern Ireland, supported by the Utility Regulator and energy and water companies to help protect against bogus callers. Most callers to your home will be there for genuine reasons. However, there are those who may pose as official callers from energy or water companies to try and trick their way into your home.

If someone calls at your home claiming to be from an energy or water company, you can phone 101 (the police non-emergency number) to check that the caller is who they say they are. 

Watch this helpful explainer video below:

Other useful contacts

We know that we cannot provide all the help that a consumer may need which is why we work with a number of expert external organisations that can offer specific, additional support for consumers when they need it. This includes support across, finance, mental and physical health, addiction, loneliness, and isolation. We aim to provide a warm handover or referral to partner agencies where we have consumer consent, such as Advice NI, ensuring they get all the support they need.

  • Useful Contacts
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Advice NI

T. 0800 915 4604

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Consumer Council NI

T. 028 9025 1600

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NI Energy Advice

T. 0800 111 4455

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Gas Safe

T. 0800 408 5500

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Northern Ireland House Executive

T. 03448 920 900

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NI Federation of Housing Associations

T. 028 9023 0446

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Quick Check

Check if a caller is genuine

T. 101

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Utility Regulator NI

T. 028 9031 1575

For a full list of the core services available to already connected and new customers, click this link to visit our 'Support for Connected Customers' section.