Using Your Pay as You Go Gas Meter

Here are some useful videos and user guides to help you on your way. 

Please select your meter type

A. Libra 100

B. Libra 110

C. Libra 200

D. Libra 210

Replacement PAYG Meter Cards

It is important to remember that we are not a gas supplier. If you need a replacement card please contact your gas supplier.

Handy Hints For Gas Metre Jpg

If you find yourself in a “no gas” situation it may be because the regulator at the meter has tripped. This is common particularly if you have recently topped up your meter following low credit or have had your gas supply turned off for some time. Resetting your regulator is simple, and you can usually be up and running quickly without waiting for an engineer.

Please watch the short video below to determine if your meter has this feature and how to reinstate your gas supply. Remember, our team are here to help. Please call us on 0345 4 555 555 if you need any assistance.

If you smell gas at any stage, contact our emergency call centre on 0800 002 001.