With thousands of kilometres of High Density Polyethylene pipes (underground assets) already in place within our Licensed Area, we realise the importance of providing accurate information to support infrastructure development in Northern Ireland. One of the best ways we can do this is providing anyone working in close proximity to our network, with all the material and guidance they require to carry out their works both safely and efficiently.
We have developed an Access Statement to provide Infrastructure Clients with all the information they require to interact with our network. The primary purpose of this statement is to ensure that information we provide on our network is easily accessible and is simple to understand.
Our Access Statement provides information on:
- The types of client that should request information from us
- An overview of the process for obtaining network information
- Contacting us and making an information request
- The guidelines to be followed when working near our network
- How to provide feedback on our information provision service
- Fees and charges that may apply
- Infrastructure Client Feedback Questionnaire